- Go to Control Panel - Communications - Event Calendar Here you should see a calendar showing you the current month
- Double-click on a date within the calendar, the Event dialog box will pop-up.
Subject: Name of the Event
Description: Create a short description of your event. You can include links, images, and format the text you wish to include
Start Date: Choose a start date
End Date: Choose an end date
All Day Event: Uncheck this box if you'd like to define a specific timeframe
Repeat: Choose the frequency your event needs to repeat
Private Event: Will make the event private to you and the users you register to the event
Color: Select the color you'd like your event to be highlighted in. Default: white
Locales: If this event is restricted to a specific locale select that from the Locales drop-down menu
Registration Required: Require a user to register for the event in order to participate. You will be able to review the list of registered users when this is selected
- Registration Start Date
- Registration End Date
- Member Limit (optional)
- Registration Password (optional)
- Reminder Days: Will send a reminder X days before the event
- Reminder on the Day of the Event: (optional)
3. Once configured click Save