Report - Wellness Score Statistics
Modified on: Thu, 12 Sep, 2019 at 12:11 PM
Function: This report presents the wellness score to you in an aggregate format. This can help you see how your participants are engaged in the program overall, as well as what specific items receive the most response.
- Wellness Score date range
- Number of participants (users)
- Total overall score to date

- List of components in the program outline
- Number of participants engaged in a specific item
- % of participants engaged in a specific item
- Total score achieved for a specific item
- Visual distribution of wellness score

How To Run Wellness Score Statistics
- Go to Control Panel - Reports
- Click Wellness Score Statistics
- Choose the Challenge you'd like to report on

- Type:
Default = The current program year
"2019" = If you see another year in the drop down menu, this will allow you report on a previous program year - Locales: Choose the group(s) you would like to report on. (Sub-groups may not apply in all client cases.)

- Choose View Report
- When you're ready, you're welcome to export your report as an Excel File, PDF, or Word Document by clicking the floppy disc icon.

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