Report: Challenge Results By Locale
Function: This report shows user progress week by week as well as the total progress(steps, points, weight loss or wellness score) for a specific challenge. Please note that weight loss progress is viewed on a monthly basis, not weekly.
If your challenge has Teams and you would like a breakdown based on participants - jump to Challenge Participants.
Sample Report
How To Run Challenge Results By Locale
- Go to Control Panel - Reports
- Click Challenge Results By Locale
- Choose the Challenge you'd like to report on
- Active Only:
Yes = Only includes participants actively participating in the challenge
No = Includes any participant who has joined the challenge, regardless of their activity or last log in - Locales: Choose the group(s) you would like to report on. (Sub-groups may not apply in all client cases.)
- Active Only:
- Choose View Report
- When you're ready, you're welcome to export your report as an Excel File, PDF, or Word Document by clicking the floppy disc icon.